Goodness Me Nutrition

Goodness Me Nutrition

General healthy eating for good health & reducing risk of chronic disease

Private practice, meeting with clients personally or online. Individual or family consultations or group talks. Periodic short courses available online targeting certain areas of health such as healthy ageing, menopause or getting back to basics. 

Focus is on meeting clients' goals and putting the emphasis on diet and lifestyle not supplements or medication.

I have extensive cooking experience and like to share recipes and tips on how to achieve a healthier diet in prcatical terms.

Available at flexible times to suit your schedule.

Private practice, meeting with clients personally or online. Individual or family consultations or group talks. Periodic short courses available online targeting certain areas of health such as healthy ageing, menopause or getting back to basics. 

Focus is on meeting clients' goals and putting the emphasis on diet and lifestyle not supplements or medication.

I have extensive cooking experience and like to share recipes and tips on how to achieve a healthier diet in prcatical terms.

Available at flexible times to suit your schedule.


Contact & clinic information

87 Burnetts Rd, Nashua, 2479 AU
+61 413 086054